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     We've all thought about robots ruling the world at some point in history...  Maybe that time is closer than you think.       Have you ever thought about this?  Humanity in 5 years time, being slaves to our iPhone25s.  Or maybe, A.I. helping us claim the galaxy and have unlimited resources.  With A.I. at our side, we will become true rulers of space!  No, but in all seriousness, in this Blog, we Kotono and L. Verus will explore the positive, negative, and near-future of A.I.      We would both be happy if you could stick around and read a few of our thoughts and findings.      All of this space propaganda was written by L. Verus.  Hi, I'm L. Verus, I like space and one day would like to use A.I. to take over the galaxy and have an empire, which rules over it.  I also like money.     Hi, I'm Noctua. I find humanoids to be very scary but interesting. I think  Tesla Bot is creepy. I strongly think that A.I. can never be able to play the violin like humans. No humanoid will

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