Corpus, AI through the years

 Hello, I'm like to use Corpus, a word checking site where we can check the usage of words through the years.  With this entry, I would like to look at the usage of the word AI on different platforms and through the years.

 Before looking at this, Please comment what you think happened with the word AI, when was it most used(since 1990)?  Why did this change happen?  Where is it used most?

 First, I'll write what I thought, before looking at the graph from corpus.  First I thought that the word AI would be used most in fiction, because why not?  I also thought that the time that AI as a word was most used would be recent times, so, closer to 2019 rather than back in the 1990's.  This has a bit to do with the fact that I don't what went on with AI at that time, another is the utilizing of AI feels like it has increased in the last 5 or so years.

 Now let's look at the graphs from Corpus.

 The first graph is one that shows where, or which sort of media the word AI is used in.  The platform where the word AI is most used on is TV and Media, which was a surprise for me.  The fiction section also includes films, despite this, the TV uses the word AI more than double the amount that it has been used in Fiction.  I thought that fiction would be much more of a place where the word AI would pop up, however, once I think about it, AI includes things such as Siri and cars that drive themselves, so I do understand why TV takes the top spot.

 The second shows us the usage of the word AI over the years, from 1990 to 2019.  The years when the word AI was used most was from the years 1990 to 1994.  This was also very interesting.  I can't think of any type of AI that was around from the 1990's. 

 So, I looked into it a little and found this timeline of the history of AI, and all of the biggest steps.  According to this timeline, there was a boom of AI before the 1970s, which comes to a halt until about the 1990s, so the high number of the word AI being used, in my mind came from the fact that the 'AI Winter' was coming to an end about that time.  The number stays high around the later half of the 1990s when the chess computer, 'Deep Blue' beats chess champion Garri Kadparov.  The next high usage starts from 2015, which is just after Alexa which is where I thought the highest usage would be.  

 Another interesting thing is the rise in usage of the word AI when TAY (see timeline) was made.  
 TAY was shut down after a short time after racist and sexist remarks.  I can see how this would create a rise in people talking and using the word AI.

 Things like 'TAY is just the beginning' come to mind.

Tay: Microsoft issues apology over racist chatbot fiasco - BBC News
 This is a link to an actual news story written on Tay and what happened at that time, if anyone is interested.

This entry also answers question 18.
Thank you for your time.


Belakhdar Follow, O. (2021). What is Artificial Intelligence (IA) ? SlideShare a Scribd company. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Corpora: Coca. English. (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Lee, D. (2016, March 25). Tay: Microsoft issues apology over racist chatbot fiasco. BBC News. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from


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