Our Name
Coeus is the Greek Titan god of intellect, inquisitive minds (people who like to find out new things), and the titan that represented the north pillar, which is a pillar that holds the heavens and the earth apart. I believe that these three things represent what our NPO wants to do. Our NPO would like to look into education, skills and by doing these things we would like to support the foundation of an AI age. We'll look into what each thing that Coeus represents and how it compares to our NPO. Intellect, obviously, is education, we will try and give people a better understanding of AI. Inquisitive minds, people who like to find out about new things, represents how our NPO will look into new skills that we can learn which will help us find success in an AI age. The north pillar represents how our NPO will teach a younger generation about AI which we hope will support the foundation for an age of AI.
Our Mission Statement
Learn and Benefit From the Future of Human Technology
Why this mission statement?
With this mission statement we have embodied what our NPO will try to help people with. We will teach people about AI and by doing this, we hope that people will learn new skills to make their lives easier and better in an age where AI is used in all companies and is more of a part of our daily lives.
There are three main issues that we would like to tackle with this NPO.
Misunderstanding of AI
Many people don't know, or don't fully understand what AI does for us in our everyday lives. We feel that this is something that needs to be addressed as we are heading into an era where AI and humans must work together.
Unconscious Interactions with AI
Although people of all ages interact with AI, just by watching YouTube or playing games, many do not realize it. As we move forward in time there will be more and more things that include AI and we hope that we can move one step toward making sure that people know what AI is and where they can find it in their everyday lives.
Dangers of AI
We would like to address the dangers of AI. When talking about AI many people think about AI taking over the world. However, we will look into the more recent problems that AI could cause, such as algorithms putting us into an echo chamber.
Our Goals
The goals that our NPO will work to accomplish, are mostly centered around education. However, we have three specific goals that we would like to accomplish. They connect with Education, Skills and Beneficial AI. We will explain the three sections below.
We would like to be educating people from a younger education on AI. The good and the dangers of it and how it is already incorporated into our lives. Also, we would look into how jobs will change over the years as AI gets gradually more incorporated into the workplace.
With skills, we would like to look into what type of skills we could learn as AI gradually gets more included into daily life. On top of this, we would like to work with companies to find out what skills we should teach to workers and help them educate their own workers.
Beneficial AI
Beneficial AI is one of the most important things in the future. AI safety is heavily related to this. AI has many problems and most of them can be resolved with beneficial AI. Many people don't know the values and importance of Beneficial AI, and this NPO would like to help with the Beneficial AI movement, whilst doing this we would also like to help make sure that people know what it is.
How we Achieve our Goals
We decided that we would have several ways to achieve our goals. We have listed them below.
・Company Meetings
・Seminars and Events
・Working with Influencers
First, we'll explain the videos. The two platforms where we have thought of putting videos on are YouTube and a platform called SkillShare, a site where people share their skills in video format. The reason we thought of YouTube, is that the age group our NPO is aimed at is young adults. Now please look at the graph below↓
How Are We Different?
We found many NPOs that are aimed at companies and teaching Beneficial AI, however, there is a lack of NPOs that are aimed at teaching children or people who are not in situations where they interact with AI in the workplace about AI. We would like to cover all of these areas. The way that we will try to achieve this will be through YouTube, events and kids camps. YouTube will be a good way to reach people of all ages, and are easy to come by but events may be hard for some people to go to, so, we have decided to hold events at schools and kids camps which will be easy access, and include fun activities. Kids camps will not only be aimed at children but the adults as well. We hope that this will help everyone learn about AI
Groups We Network With
We've made a list of potential people that our NPO would want to work with.
Skill Share
Skill Share is a site where people can make and share educational videos. We would like to ask Skill Share for funding in exchange for promoting their platform and working with the creators on the site to educate people on AI.
We would like to work with online and offline newspapers. We would write articles about AI to educate the mass populous. We would also like to post ads about our NPO.
We will ask companies to let us give presentations about AI and also work with them to find new skills that will be necessary for an AI age.
The Ministry of Education
We will ask the ministry for permission to speak at schools and hold kids camps aimed at children talking about AI.
Other NPO's
We would like to work with other NPOs inside and outside Japan to spread information about AI.
Elon Musk
Finally, one of the main people we would like to work with is Elon Musk, however, not just Elon Musk, we would like to work with people leading the industry to find new skills and other ways we can educate people on AI.
Why is the Media Interested in us?
The ways that we would like like to get the Media interested are our YouTube videos, working with influencers, and our uniqueness. The YouTube videos would be aimed at children, but also include data that people of all ages could enjoy, after all who doesn't like robots (sorry Mando). By working with influencers, we would like to gain media attention, there are many influencers on YouTube and other platforms that work with robots and AI. Our hope is that they would join our cause and help us achieve our goals. Finally, our uniqueness, most NPO's are aimed at older people so by aiming ours at children we would like to get them and their parents interested, and overall views would lead to media coverage.
Funding and How it Keeps Itself Running
We thought that one of the biggest problems would be funding for our NPO. So we've come up with a few ideas on how to keep our NPO running. I'll list the ways that we thought of below.
・Online Store
If we create a YouTube channel, we will be able to target the age group that we want to educate. On top of this, many people of this age are interested in AI and Robots. The Patreon (a site to support creators) and our online store will be linked on our YouTube channel. If this is not enough we will try and collaborate with educational programs to help get our NPO more recognition. Our online store will sell plushies and T-Shirts with AI themes.
We felt that just putting recruitment links on our NPO web page would not be enough so we thought of four ways to ask people to join.
YouTube Links
We will put links at the bottom of the description of our YouTube videos, and also on our YouTube channel page.
As we will be educating people primarily on YouTube, we would put ads and ways to join at the end of every video, and encourage people who wanted to help to join.
We will hand out forms at the end of events and when we go to various schools. We would like to encourage people of all ages to join our NPO. Hopefully it will be appealing since it will be work experience and on top of this they will be able to be at the forefront of AI education and robot making which may be interesting for some people.
Join us!
Now you may be thinking, 'Yeah, yeah, but why though?'. Well I'll explain, there are a few reasons.
You can help people, whether that be with their job or just if they want to know about AI.
Learn about AI! We use and work with AI everyday and yet still know so little. Wouldn't you want to change that???
You can work from home! Since we are mostly going to be making videos, the work is primarily based at home, AND you can do it whenever you want!
'Sounds like a good deal to me!'
You can be at the forefront of AI development, ever want a cute or nice robot like Wall-E? Well, we might be the first to find out if one is created and work out how to use it.
No the last one is a lie, however we hope that you like the idea of our NPO's and if you could leave a comment giving us advice for the future.
GreekMythology.com. Source: https://www.greekmythology.com/Titans/Coeus/coeus.html, E. (202AD). Coeus. Greek Mythology. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from https://www.greekmythology.com/Titans/Coeus/coeus.html
Blogger, G. M. I. (2022). YouTube users statistics 2022 [infographics]: GMI. Official GMI Blog. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/youtube-users-statistics/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20US%20internet,%25%20and%2066%25%20users%20respectively.
Dictionary, C. (2022). Inquisitive mind definition and meaning: Collins english dictionary. Inquisitive mind definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/inquisitive-mind
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